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Logterman Family

Selling 75 Coming Two-Year Old Hereford Bulls, Including 3 ET Bulls, 15 Yearling, & 80 Coming Two-Year-Old Angus Bulls, Including 2 ET Bulls.

Broberg Charolais

Save the Date! February 12, 2025 for Broberg Charolais 8th Annual Bull Sale. Don't miss the opportunity to add elite Charolais bulls to your herd!

Booth’s Cherry Creek Ranch

Offering 130 Bulls! 110 of the bulls have been PAP tested by Dr. Tim Holt. After spending the summer at 8,000' in Walden, Colorado.

Lemke Cattle Co

Selling 90Angus, Red Angus, Angus Hybrid Bulls, Plus Registered & Commercial Heifers.

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